18. apr. 2012

Hecarim patch

A new champion approaches to the league and im always looking forward to this! This champion seems to have some new mechanics. Notice his ultimate, which has a really awesome effect if you ask me. This is looking like another really nice champion from riot.

I havent played the champion yet, but to me, it looks like an either top or jungle champion.

I will turn back when i've tried him out!

Check out the champion spotlight right here:


With a new champion, follows a new patch!

The new patch brings for the bot laners:

Divine Blessing Heal amount increased to 60/105/150/195/240 from 45/85/125/165/205.
Movement Speed increased to 18/21/24/27/30% from 15/17/19/21/23%.
Movement Speed duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5.
Mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/65/70/75/80.

Kayle is now a stronger pick for the bot lane. Her heal ability is now equal to other heals in the game and her heal brings a lot of run speed for 3 seconds. I will be following up on this as soon my support gets back his computer.

Janna has recieved a little change.

Howling Gale now knocks the target further into the air the longer it is channeled (now 80 + 10 per second channeled from constant 100).

I cant really figure if it's a plus or minus to be honest.

Monsoon Mana cost reduced to 150/225/300 from 200/275/350.
Knock back distance reduced to 875 from 1000.

The knock back can both be a plus and a minus depending on the situation.

Read much more right here!


See you guys soon!

/Jinglespells over and out

10. apr. 2012

Hecarim patch preview

My opinions on the Hecarim patch preview so far is that it's really cool to see Teemo getting fixed & buffed. I know a lot of people have been looking forward to this and personally I cant wait either.

Kayle is getting buffed as well. Kayle haven't been played by high elo players for a while now. I guess that's because of the new many new champions. For a long time riot have been in "love" with the flexible champions, I mean, champions that can rush through walls/rush into enemies etc. Many of the old champion lack such things. This buff won't help her much at this point, but it will her damage better, which is just as good imo. Personally im not a fan of kayle.


4. apr. 2012

3D League of Legends

I am not sure about my last post about the 3D league of legends! It could have been an april fool riot made.

I will keep you updated if you follow my blog and give you my opinion about riot's moves.

/Jinglespells is over and out.

2. apr. 2012

3D League of Legends

04-01-2012 Riot annonced, that they would make League of Legends available as a 3D game. Really exciting, I cant wait! You can read more on their page: